vertical dance
Low Flying Lab

/ with Lindsey Butcher (2024)
NOTE: This is a one-week long course. We will be repeating material in week 2.
In this class we’ll work in solos and duets using climbing equipment and sit harnesses to create moments of suspension and flight whilst dancing on the floor.
Working in solos, pairs and groups, this class forms an introduction to the characteristics of working on a variety of rigging systems, in different configurations and spatial relationships and using guided improvisations to explore each new territory.
We’ll begin each class with floor work, leading into aerial exploration using static line, bungee, counterbalance and an assorted of other aerial props.
A really fun class which you can take at your own pace – and even better and you don’t have to hold your body weight on your arms!
Improver Vertical Dance Technique 

/ with Lindsey Butcher (2024)
This class is for people who have some prior experience of vertical dance i.e. you’ve been on the wall before or are a climber.
We’ll begin by recapping the equipment used and working through basic orientation and vocabulary. We’ll investigate the foundations of Vertical Dance technique and build towards learning jumps, cartwheels and somersaults towards the end of the week and linking choreography with the possibility for creative play.
Clothing: We advise wearing at least a couple of snug layers around your hips and waist for your comfort. Personally I favour high waisted shorts (or a unitard) under stretch jeans or leggings.
Vertical Dance Rep

/ with Lindsey Butcher (2024)
NOTE: Strictly for aerialists with prior single point sit harness experience!
The focus for this class will be on working through and understanding specific vertical dance body puzzles and orientations applied in some of Lindsey’s own choreography created over several years.
As with the previous class we’ll begin by checking in with correct application and understanding of the rigging used before moving through orientation and known vocabulary and building towards shifting between fast paced dynamic sequencing and slower more sensual phrases – there may well be some counting involved in this class!
Ideally you should be familiar with, confident and competent in demonstrating; Planks (on different planes), finding your balance point on hands or feet, jumping and returning to the wall with control, basic rotations.
NB None of these have to be perfect!
As you know (!) we advise wearing at least a couple of snug layers around your hips and waist for your comfort. Long sleeved shirts are also handy for some moves. If you have a preferred climbing harness & any kit (gri gris, rigs, carabiners etc), please bring them with you.
Improver Vertical Dance Technique 
/ with Roel Seeber (2024)
In this class we will go through the basics of rope and harness wall dancing, including how to safely use the gear. Students will practice skills and techniques as well as explore gaining comfort in disorientation through “cat landings”, as well as take time to develop their own skills and style. All of this will lead to phrase building, partnering and improvisation. We will work at the pace of safety in a supportive and fun environment based in research, exploration and play.
Vertical Dance Technique

/ with Roel Seeber (2024)
NOTE: Strictly for aerialists with prior single point sit harness experience!
In this class we will assume a proficiency of dancing in the harness, and an ease in moving on the wall. From here we will explore what else is possible including “wall tumbling”, body/wall surface exploration and contact improvisation in the harness. We will use phrases as well as improvisation in a fun and supportive environment based in research and play where individual style is encouraged.