April Bliss
April Ananda Bliss is a renowned circus and aerial instructor, as well as the creator of Bliss Circus. Her passion for circus arts began at in her early 20’s, and she has since dedicated her life to sharing her knowledge and skills with others.
After years of performing circus around the world, April Bliss Aka Blissfaerie decided to expand her focus to teaching and expanding the circus community in India. She began teaching circus and aerial arts to students of all ages and skill levels, sharing her love and knowledge of the art form with others. Her teaching style is known for being both challenging and supportive, pushing her students to reach their full potential while also creating a safe and encouraging environment.
In addition to teaching, Bliss also created Bliss Circus, a circus school and performance company based in Goa, India. The school offers classes, retreats, workshops in a variety of circus arts, including aerial silks, trapeze, acrobatics, and more. The performance company showcases the talents of Bliss and her students, performing at events and venues throughout India.
Bliss’s impact on the circus community cannot be overstated. Her dedication to teaching and sharing her passion for circus arts has inspired countless students to pursue their own circus dreams and many people who have attended her programs in India can attest to her relentless passion in building the circus community. Her commitment to safety and inclusivity has also helped to make circus arts more accessible to people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities including social projects with at risk youth in India.
Overall, April Ananda Bliss is a true pioneer in the world of circus arts. Her contributions to the community as a teacher, performer, and creator have helped to shape the industry and inspire a new generation of circus artists.