Ruth Battle
Ruth Battle-Wayre catapulted onto the stage at 15 in an incredibly age inappropriate Western Australian Youth Theatre Company production of ‘Giants have us in their books’. Since then she decided to fulfill her love of learning many unnecessary things by training with revered performer and teacher Annie Stainer and the late great Dr. Reg Bolton at Total Theatre, (The Annie Stainer School of Physical Theatre). Here she learned many obscure skills such as Mime, Classical Chinese dance, Table-Sliding and Sword Tai Chi (to name just a few) but it was the Circus Arts where Ruth felt a particular pull. Fast forward 13 years later and Ruth is now a professional and sought after Circus and Physical Theatre performer in Perth specialising in Corde Lisse, Hula Hoop, Clown and Puppetry. She is the other half of internationally award winning Aerial Theatre Company ‘Natural Wings’ and routinely works for companies such as Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Maxima- Circus without Limits and Iridescence Dance Company.