Further Training

Caught the aerial bug? Don’t stop now! There’s always more to do. Check out the Irish Aerial Creation Centre for more opportunities.


Creative Intensive

A three-week Creative intensive training boot-camp on aerial technique and creativity.

This training program for professionals was designed for aerialists who want to work on improving their technique and produce aerial acts and for dancers who want to get more aerial training and create an aerial dance solo.

This course is hosted by tutors from Fidget Feet Aerial Dance.

For more information on the application process and details of the tutors please visit: https://irishaerialcreationcentre.com/professionals/creative-intensive/

Clear Sky Creative Residency

IACC calls for submissions for the four-week choreographic ‘Clear Sky Creative Residency’ in Co. Limerick, Ireland.

For more information please see: http://www.irishaerialcreationcentre.com/professionals/residencies/

The Unlocked Residencies

IACC calls for submissions for two one-week long residencies in Limerick, Ireland.

For more information please see: http://www.irishaerialcreationcentre.com/professionals/residencies/

The Open Call

IACC calls for submission from aerialists and aerial companies that want to develop an idea and need space to do this , there is no deadline so please feel free to send in proposals, to info@irishaerialcreationcentre.com . We would like to hear from you and even if we cant support the idea in 2017 it allows us to plan for what is needed for 2018.

Book space at the Irish Aerial Creation Centre

If you are an artist or company and would like to book space at Irish Aerial Creation Centre we have a Creative space within the IACC called the ” Fidget Feet Space ” at €200 a day and €1000 a week : 8.8 meters high & 12 by 15 meters space, with use of Kitchen , common room and a IACC rigger.

We also offer professional memberships.